1917 Palomar Oaks Way, Suite 130 - Carlsbad, CA - 92008 760.431.3040

Please note that the following case study is purely hypothetical and is intended to illustrate the range of services we may provide our financial planning clients. This example may not be representative of all experiences. There is no guarantee of future performance or success. Investing involves risks including possible loss of principal.


Meet Jim and Lisa, a couple in their early 50s who are both working professionals. They have two children, Daisy and Chase. Daisy has graduated from college and is now employed, while Chase is a senior in college. With only one more year of college expenses to cover, Jim and Lisa are starting to focus on their own retirement goals. They want to ensure they are well-prepared for the future, both now and in the next five to ten years.


To help them navigate their retirement planning, Jim and Lisa sought the assistance of a Financial Focus Financial Planner. They discussed their current financial situation and outlined their long-term goals. This included determining the income they would need for their desired retirement lifestyle, the age at which they would like to retire, their preferred retirement location, and any financial support they may need to provide for their children and aging parents.

Once their goals were established, Jim and Lisa collaborated with our team to develop a comprehensive pre-retirement plan. This plan outlined the necessary savings required to achieve their retirement goals and identified the most suitable investment accounts to utilize for these savings. They consolidated multiple retirement plans from previous employers to gain a clear view of their retirement accounts and allocations. Additionally, their current investment portfolio was reviewed to ensure a proper asset balance as they approached retirement.

We analyzed the benefits of utilizing Roth or Traditional 401(k) options available through their current employers. We also discussed how contributions would impact their tax situation and explored strategies to maximize their employer-sponsored retirement savings plans and matching. Guidance was also provided regarding Lisa's stock options provided by her employer. The couple's current budget was reviewed, and a strategy was developed to pay off their mortgage before their desired retirement age.


As a result of their collaboration with the team at Financial Focus, Jim and Lisa felt confident about their retirement preparations. They had identified their goals and received guidance on specific action steps and savings strategies to achieve those goals. As they approach their target retirement timeframes, they will continue working with us to ensure their plan remains on track and make any necessary adjustments.

Services provided include

  • Analysis of pre-retirement budget and savings strategy
  • Design and management of investment portfolio
  • Optimization of tax strategies
  • Analysis of employer stock options
  • Planning for debt payments
Retired Couple